بشنين هدى.كى.سي باحثة الدكتوراه، قسم اللغة العربية بكلية الفاروق، بجامعة كاليكوت، كيرلا Abstract: Hanna Mina,Syrian novelist was born in Latakia in He spent his childhood in a village near Iskenderun. Since Turkish forces entered the district, he moved back to Latakia with his family. His writings were partly. لمفيد الوحش جسد عملاق يؤهله للشجار والمشاكل. بعد أن عنفه والده، هرب من البيت لتبدأ رحلته الشاقة: من مراهق شقي إ - www.doorway.ru بقايا صور. by. حنا مينه, Hanna Mina. · Rating details · ratings · 76 reviews. Fragments of Memory is an autobiographical novel about the life of a boy born to a poor family in northern Syria. Mina sets these personal events against a richly detailed description of events .
Looking for a book by Hanna Mina? Hanna Mina wrote Sun On A Cloudy Day, which can be purchased at a lower price at www.doorway.ru Остатки изображений (بقايا صور — Бакайа сувар). Болото (المستنقع — аль-Мустанкы'а). Сбор урожая (القطاف — аль-Кытаф). Белая абнуса (الأبنوسة البيضاء — аль-Абнуса аль-байда'). Hanna Mina, author of Literature from the Axis of Evil: Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea,, on LibraryThing. Hanna Mina is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author.
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