Ebook {Epub PDF} Spellcasters by Kitka Buchanan

 · Chase's Revenge: Spellcasters by Kitka Buchanan, K. Ries, Kat Ries Kitka Buchanan. NOOK Book (eBook) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. WANT A NOOK? Natasha and Skylar are sisters and witches. They are hellbent on gaining as much power as they possibly can. Nothing, including the two men hunting them, wil. Hello, Sign in. Account Lists Account Returns Orders. CartReviews: 3.

Kitka Buchanan rated it it was amazing · (Review from the author) · review of another edition Like Krystal Bowlin rated it really liked it. Spellcasters by Kitka Buchanan and Kat Ries Dark Erotic, Paranormal Romance Available at Amazon, Barnes Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords Natasha and Skylar are sisters and witches. They are hellbent on gaining as much power as they possibly can. Nothing, including the two men hunting them, will stand in their way. There are two more "Obeying The Rules" books to come and the prequel to Spellcasters. Beyond that, I have so many ideas floating around in my head yet to come. Kat and I have a monster of a book to come yet that spawned an entire side project. Kitka Buchanan. 11/9/ pm. Thanks! That was intentional. The book does have a bit.

Excerpt from The Spellcasters by Kitka Buchanan and K. Ries. Logan shrugged. “So did I. I don’t feel like I know you at all since you’ve been sleeping with her. She’s been killing people left and right and you’re just turning a blind eye to it.” Chase narrowed his eyes at Logan and slammed the tip of the dagger into the table. Spellcasters by Kitka Buchanan and K. Ries is a paranormal novel full of twists and turns. This is the first book that I have read by these authors. Spellcasters have a lot of potentials and have engaging moments throughout the story. Skylar shows potential at the beginning of the story, to become a successful writer. A friend of mine, Kitka Buchanan, along with her co-author, K. Ries, are releasing a book soon. Spellcasters is all about power and love or is it love and power? I’m honored to take part in this release on November 2nd. It all starts at noon but I’m at the helm of it for 30 minutes at 6pm EST. Join them, and me, for a fun day!.


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