Ebook {Epub PDF} Sea Level by Nancy Hayes Kilgore

Nancy Hayes Kilgore is the author of two other novels, Wild Mountain and Sea Level. She is a winner of the Vermont Writers Prize, a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A psychotherapist and former parish pastor, she lives in Vermont/5(14). New Cover for Sea Level! I was really tired of the old cover and found a great book designer to re-design it. Voila! I love how it combines the two main characters, the clergywoman and the artist and the actual setting of the novel, the Delmarva Peninsula. See on my co-publisher's website via the link. Continue reading New Cover for Sea Level.  · Sea Level Sea Level set in a remote area of the Delmarva Peninsula in tells the story of Brigid Peterson the first woman minister in the town of Sand Hill At a time when women s roles are shifting and t Title: Sea Level; Author: Nancy Hayes Kilgore; ISBN: ; Page: ; Format: Paperback.

Nancy Hayes Kilgore. Nancy Hayes Kilgore is the winner of the Vermont Writers Prize and author of three novels, BITTER MAGIC (Milford House, ,) WILD MOUNTAIN (Green Writers Press, ) and SEA LEVEL (RCWMS, ) a Book of the Year through ForeWord Reviews. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Nancy's writing has been likened to Alice. Nancy Hayes Kilgore, a writer and psychotherapist, and was 's winner of the Vermont Writer's Prize. Her writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her first novel, Sea Level, was a Foreword Reviews Book of the Year. Formerly a parish pastor, Nancy leads workshops on writing and spirituality for clergy, therapists, and writers throughout the U.S. Nancy Hayes Kilgore is the author of two other novels, WILD MOUNTAIN (Green Writers Press, ) and SEA LEVEL (RCWMS, ). She has won the Vermont Writers Prize, a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award, and a Pushcart Prize nomination.

Nancy Hayes Kilgore, winner of the Vermont Writers Prize, is the author of two other novels, Wild Mountain (Green Writers Press, ,) and Sea Level (RCWMS, ,) a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year. She has published in a She Writes Press anthology, in Bloodroot Literary Magazine, Vermont Magazine, The Bottle Imp, and on Vermont Public Radio. Nancy is a graduate of the Radcliffe Writing Seminars and holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling. Nancy Hayes Kilgore is the winner of the Vermont Writers Prize and author of three novels, BITTER MAGIC (Milford House, ,) WILD MOUNTAIN (Green Writers Press, ) and SEA LEVEL (RCWMS, ) a Book of the Year through ForeWord Reviews. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Nancy’s writing has been likened to Alice Munro’s. February 1, The beginning of February, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, marks the traditional Gaelic festival of Imbolc, a time to celebrate the coming of spring, the creative energy ready to emerge in the earth and in our lives. Here is an image that went into the creation of the book cover for Bitter.


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