ياسمينة خضراء (بالفرنسية: Yasmina Khadra) هو الاسم المستعار للكاتب الجزائري محمد مولسهول. ولد بتاريخ 10 يناير/كانون الأول بالقنادسة في ولاية بشار الجزائرية. كان والده ضابطا في جيش التحرير الو. ذلك هو السؤال المحوري، الذي تحاول رواية «سنونوات كابول، للكاتب الجزائري ياسمينة خضرا الاجابة عنه من خلال سلوك أربع شخصيات رئيسة: محسن بامات الموظف المطرود وزوجته «زنيرة»، المحامية التي منعها العماء الديني من ممارسة مهنتها، وعتيق شوكت، الذي حارب في صفوف طالبان ضد 4/5(12). · Yasmina Khadra (Arabic: ياسمينة خضراء, literally "green jasmine") is the pen name of the Algerian author Mohammed Moulessehoul. Moulessehoul, an officer in the Algerian army, adopted a woman's pseudonym to avoid military censorship/5.
We invite you to come and discover an exceptional animated film from the Un Certain Regard selection of the Cannes Film Festival, about Afghanistan: The Swallows of Kabul, based on the novel of the same title by Yasmina Khadra and which has strong connections with the current situation in Afghanistan and the return of the Taliban. Les Hirondelles de Kaboul = Swallows of Kabul, Yasmina Khadra (Mohammed Moulessehoul) The Swallows of Kabul is a novel by Algerian writer Yasmina Khadra. It was originally written and published in French. You meet Atiq Shaukat, a jailer. His wife, Musarrat, is very sick and dying. She is a burden to him and made him late for work. Reading Nuts مجانين القراءة, Bou Sada, M'Sila, Algeria. 1, likes · 1 talking about this. لن تكون وحيداً أبداً وبين يديك كتاب تقرؤه من ضيق الأنفس والغرف إلى إتّساع الكون الفسيح إقرأ تَنعم.
From the bestselling author of The Swallows of Kabul comes this timely and haunting novel that powerfully illuminates the devastating human costs of www.doorway.ru Amin Jaafari is an Arab-Israeli surgeon. Post a quote from "سنونوات كابول" The Author: Yasmina khdra The quote is the literal transfer from the source and no more than ten lines. Yasmina Khadra is the nom de plume of the Algerian army officer, Mohammed Moulessehoul, who took a female pseudonym to avoid submitting his manuscripts for approval by the army. He is the author of four other books published in English, including the acclaimed bestseller Swallows of Kabul. He lives in France.