Three-Alarm Love. Author: Carole Buck. Publisher: Harlequin. ISBN: Category: Fiction. Page: View: Download Now. VERY LOUD WEDDING BELLS Keezia Carew never imagined that her best friend's kiss would send shivers up her spine, set her head spinning and sound off alarms. Or that sexy Fridge Randall would suddenly be. THREE-ALARM LOVE. Carole Buck. Harlequin, - Fiction - pages. Carew never imagined that her best friend's kiss would send shivers up her spine, set her head spinning and sound off alarms. Or that sexy Fridge Randall would suddenly be hearing wedding bells! With one bad marriage behind her, Keezia said "no thanks.". Three - Alarm Love by Carole Buck, , Harlequin Mills Boon, Limited edition, in English.
Carole Buck. Carol Buckland obtained a BA in Political Science at University of Connecticut. She worked as reporter, writer by CNN, and "Larry King Live" producer. Three - Alarm Love. by Carole Buck First published in 2 editions — 1 previewable Borrow Listen. Download for print-disabled Make Believe Marriage. Three-Alarm Love. —. Carole Buck. VERY LOUD WEDDING BELLS Keezia Carew never imagined that her best friend's kiss would send shivers up her spine, set her head spinning and sound off alarms. Or that sexy Fridge Randall would suddenly be hearing wedding bells! With one bad marriage behind her, Keezia said "no thanks." Three times! Three Alarm Love. by. Carole Buck. really liked it · Rating details · 9 ratings · 3 reviews. VERY LOUD WEDDING BELLS Keezia Carew never imagined that her best friend's kiss would send shivers up her spine, set her head spinning and sound off alarms. Or that sexy Fridge Randall would suddenly be hearing wedding bells!
Carole Buck brings red-hot chemistry to the pages of Three-Alarm Love. And Barbara McCauley’s Courtship in Granite Ridge reunites a single mother with the man she’d always loved. Have a romantic holiday this month—and every month—with Silhouette Desire Enjoy!. Three - Alarm Love by Carole Buck, , Harlequin Mills Boon, Limited edition, in English. THREE-ALARM LOVE. by Carole Buck. On Sale: . Release Month: Aug Ebook. $ Ebook. Carole Buck Brand Harlequin Treasury Silhouette Desire 90s.